前額雄性禿, 電動微創植髮術移植1700株後一年, 手術前後比較
Motorized Follicular Unit Extraction in Hair Transplantation
--Personal Experience --
Yean-Lu Chang MD.
Toyoung plastic surgery clinic
In contemporary hair transplantation, there are two approaches for harvesting follicular grafts including strip method (also known as FUT) and follicular unit extraction ( FUE ). The minimally invasive FUE method was firstly reported in 2002. During the past few years, this technique has evolved greatly. Motorization of FUE device is one of the big breakthroughs. With the motorized punch, the engine frees one of the hands of the rotation work. The free hand can focus on the orientation of the hand piece and the punch much more easily. It not only relieves muscle work loading but also enhances the FUE speed and precision.
Moreover, according to study, higher magnification of the surgical field enabled higher precision control. We used surgical microscope for higher magnification of the surgical field during FUE procedure.
Since 2011, in our clinic we have applied motorized FUE technique with surgical microscope-assisted magnification in hair transplantation. In this report, we would like to share our experience of updated graft-harvesting technique in modern hair transplantation .